Cosmoe UI
Understanding the structure
Master file
Understand what the master file is and how to use it.
What is a Master file?
In addition to the kit's remix link, you also receive a remix link of a blank Framer project that has all the color and text styles pre-loaded. You can check them out on the left panel, in Assets tab under Styles. Additionally they will be visible whenever you are editing a text (in the styles panel) and changing the color of a layer.
How to use the Master file?
Once you have copied/duplicated the master file to your workspace, you can create a folder and name it something like "Cosmoe UI Master File" and move it to that folder.
Whenever you starting a new project on Framer, instead of creating a new blank project, you can instead just duplicate the master file that you have copied and start creating your project in that file.
Why use a Master file?
With the Master file, you will always have the color and text styles added and available to use, instead of copying and pasting styles one after the other from the kit file.
This way you can much quickly make style changes to your projects.